Message from Haine Middle School Principal
Greetings from Haine Middle School! HMS is home to fifth and sixth grade students and provides a rigorous academic environment encompassed within a nurturing and encouraging school community. Through innovative approaches to 21st century learning, students are exposed to a variety of real world opportunities and authentic learning experiences. We are home to approximately 630 students and 70 staff members that are proud to be part of the Seneca Valley Experience. The HMS staff works diligently each day to address the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student. Our success is credited to outstanding students, effective instruction, and strong community partnerships. Please take time to review our website and contact us if you are interested in learning more about HMS.
Mrs. Erin Wilcher
Principal, Haine Middle School
Email: wilcherej@svsd.net
Phone: (724) 776-1325 ext. 4020
Mr. Jeremy Womer
Assistant Principal, Haine Middle School
Email: womerjc@svsd.net
Phone: (724) 776-1325 ext. 4021